Wednesday 21 May 2014

UPDATE: The Heartless Bombings and Killings In Jos

This senseless killing of innocent Nigerians is the signature of the wicked Boko Haram sect with abducted over 200 schoolgirls in Chibok, Borno State last month. In recent times, their killing spree has increased, without any justification. On Thursday, they attacked two schools in Bauchi State; on Sunday, they bombed Kano city, and on Tuesday) it was the turn of Jos. This is becoming something else.
I think those who have the means should help us beg Boko Haram and negotiate with them, our government has failed us in the area of security. Hundreds of innocent Nigerians are killed like chicken everyday. Sad!

Eyewitnesses account put the death toll at about 150. 
One of the eyewitnesses said, the bomber in the first car stopped it abruptly along the busy Muritala Mohammed Way which is very close to the old site of the Jos University Teaching Hospital. 
The suicide bomber was said to have left the car for minutes to cause enough traffic build-up before he returned and detonated the explosives in it. The explosion was heard all over Jos and Bukuru metropolis.
The first bomb, which was said to have been detonated by a suicide bomber in a Fiat car, happened at about 3pm when the market was at its height. The second blast occurred from a Toyota Sienna about 20 metres from the scene of the first.

However as people gathered to assist victims, some hoodlums started looting and burning cars. In the course of their action, some youths noticed the Toyota Sienna parked at some distance and went for it.

While trying to vandalise it, one of them put a light under the Sienna and immediately it exploded, killing nearly all those in the vicinity.

There was pandemonium all over the market as traders scrambled to close shops. Cars that tried to make a quick U-turn were trapped and many were burnt.

One of the eyewitnesses, who simply identified himself as Suleiman, said that he was one of the few people that arrived at the scene and started helping the victims. Suleiman whose clothes were blood-stained said that for more than 20 minutes after the blasts, there was no security presence.

He claimed that the policemen attached to a police post inside the market took to their heels when the first bomb went off.

“I was in the place when the first explosion happened. I ran to the place and there was no security around to assist. Immediately, I and two other people started to help those injured.

The fire from the blast could not allow us to go near and help more people. It was terrible; I have never seen such a thing.”

Another eyewitness, Peter Amine, said, “We were inside the market when I heard a loud explosion at about 3.28pm. Before I knew what happened, a piece of metal landed very close to my legs.

He added that a thick dark smoke engulfed the scene, thus compounding the already chaotic situation as fear-stricken people, some covered with blood, screamed and ran for safety

President Goodluck Jonathan has condemned the bomb blasts, saying the perpetrators were cruel and evil. In a statement in Abuja on Tuesday, the President directed all relevant agencies to mobilise support and relief efforts in aid of the victims.

“The President extends his heartfelt sympathies to the affected families and persons. He assures all Nigerians that government remains fully committed to winning the war against terror, and this administration will not be cowed by the atrocities of enemies of human progress and civilisation,” he stated.

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