Sunday 8 March 2015

10 Things That Men Want From Women but Are Afraid to Ask

Like most women, you probably have something that you would like your man to do for you or something you would like to know about him but, for some reason, you just cannot bring yourself to ask him about it. Well, if it is any consolation, you will be pleased to know that this is not just a woman thing: there are things that men want from women but are afraid to ask.

Most of the things that men are scared to ask women concern, you guessed right, sex. In particular, men are usually curious about what they would want to do or experiment with in bed in order to gain more satisfaction from their sexual relationship. At times the curiosity is a result of some deep-rooted sexual fantasies but for the most part it is a result of stuff men come across in magazines or videos. Men, you should know by now, are visual beings and when it comes to sex they are attracted to sexual images.

 Apart from sex, men are also afraid to ask about some habits of the female species that they
consider bizarre. These include some dressing habits as well as the way women communicate (or fail to communicate) with men. Most of these habits may be considered trivial but they, really, are a mystery to men.
Trivial or not, these things have one thing in common: men just cannot bring themselves to ask about them because they fear that doing so will affect their relationship with their woman. For example, there are issues that men will never ask because they are afraid that such questions or requests may be considered demeaning to a woman’s dignity. Men will also avoid making certain requests because they are afraid of being turned down.
Considering that each man is different, the list of issues and questions that men keep to themselves can be as long as the list of men that have ever walked this earth – if not longer. However, there are a number of issues that are common amongst most men and here are just 10 of them.

1. Don’t just lie there, say something

It would really be nice if you said something during sex. Scream if you have to but moaning or just talking is just fine. What matters to us, men, is to know that we are making our woman feel good. Remember that, other than enjoying his own sexual pleasure, a man prides himself in knowing that he is able to sexually satisfy his woman.
We also need to know that we are doing the right things the right way. In this regard, we really appreciate it when you give us some directions. Do not be afraid to tell us to go slower or deeper or that we are rubbing you the wrong way or at the wrong place. Commentaries like these really help us do things right.
More importantly, tell us when you are approaching orgasm as it will enable us to stop holding back and start letting go so we can touch the skies together. For some men, holding themselves so that they do not come before their woman can be very hard work indeed so being signaled to let go can be quite a relief.

2. What’s with the shoes? And the perfumes?

We understand that your shoes have to match or compliment whatever you wear but do you really need all those pairs of shoes? A dozen is more than enough but, no, you want a dozen dozens. Really? How complicated can colour matching be? White goes with black and black goes with everything else – most of the times. But, no, it has to be solid colour for solid colour, shade for shade, stripes for stripes, and polka dot for polka dot. Really?
And then there is the perfume. As if it is not hard enough for us to understand why you need all those pairs of shoes, now, we also have to figure out why you need dozens of perfumes. Do they also go with certain colours? We just do not get it.
But we dare not ask because we know that, logically, it is not possible for anyone to explain that kind of extravagance. And logic is all we, men, understand. So for the sake of keeping the peace we dare not ask because we know exactly what you will say or think: that we are accusing you of being wasteful. And we know that doing so will only get you upset which, as we have come to learn, is never a good idea.

3. Initiate sex, sometimes

You have no idea how much we want you to initiate sex and, by that, we mean doing it in earnest not just hinting at sex. We want you to do as we do – touch, touch some more, caress, kiss and go all the way.
The thing about this is that when you initiate sex, you make us feel wanted and that adds a lot of currency to our self-confidence. It speaks to our insecurity. Feeling wanted by you means that you are still attracted to us, that we are still the one you want after all this time. Of course, we, kind of know that, already, but it helps to be reminded, now and then, how important we are to you.

4. What do you really mean when you say ‘Fine’?

Or ‘okay’, or ‘do whatever you think is right’? Because we have come to notice that you, actually, get angry when we go ahead and do that about which you said ‘fine’ or ‘okay’ or ‘do whatever you think is right’.
What is more confusing to us is that there are times when your ‘fine’ really means ‘fine’ and your ‘okay’ is really ‘okay’. But apparently, in woman-speak some words or phrases have contradictory meanings depending on a woman’s mood, time or place. The challenge for us is to figure out when you are using which ‘fine’ or the rest of your ‘special’ vocabulary. It would, really, help us a lot if you took time to teach us the difference.
Unfortunately, we are unable to ask for an explanation because the only time we are reminded about it is when you get upset with us for doing that which you had said was ‘fine’. And that is not a good time to ask you anything.

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