Tuesday 24 February 2015

Why Your Wife Doesn’t Feel Beautiful Anymore

Soooo the other night I sat at a table with my wife, sister, and another young lady and I literally listened to them talk about eyelashes for 30 minutes! As much as I wanted to get up and leave, I stuck it out just to see where else the convo would go. Well next it went to nails and OMG who knew the science that goes into choosing a nail color, type of nail, and the shelf life of a nail job.

Then, the convo shifted to makeup and I felt like I was in calculus class and my brain began to hurt! Finally, these new body shaping contraptions that women are wearing now came up and I decided to exit stage left! I say all of that to say this….the amount of effort and time and money that women, girlfriends and wives go through just to reach this societal standard of beauty is CRAZY! Let’s talk about it….come follow me!

Okay don’t get me wrong…I love when my wife has her nails done, make up done, wears those heels and that dress that hugs her curves! Oh and don’t let her have on some great perfume….owwwww! Although I love it, I don’t want her to think that that’s the standard of beauty that I hold her to as her husband. What she also needs to know though is that I also love to see her when she wakes up in the morning with a clear face and that smile still lights up my world (but please go brush your teeth before you start talking! HA). I still think she is beautiful even when her nail is chipped and her eyebrows aren’t freshly done.

I think Drake said it best “Sweat pants, hair tied, chillin’ with no make up on, that’s when you’re the prettiest I hope that you don’t take it wrong!”

Ladies I get it; there is an insurmountable amount of pressure on you to not only “compete” with other women but to also “keep your man happy.” I know sometimes when you see your man glance at that other woman walking by it makes you feel some kind of way or you think maybe you will never compare to the women on television or in magazines. Fellas, I know you think that because you married her and chose her that she should just “know” how beautiful you think she is, but the truth is sometimes she just wants to hear you say it! Sometimes she wants to see you lust over her like you do those women in the magazines. That doesn’t make her insecure, it makes her human.

Physical beauty fades, but the beauty of the bond you build together will stand the test of time!
Oh and NEWS FLASH ladies your husband needs to feel the same love. Fellas if you’re anything like me and you have that baby beer belly we sometimes manage to grow, you start feeling some kind of way when every dude she sees on TV has a six pack. Yes ladies, men feel a little inadequate sometimes as well.
Now this is not an excuse for anyone to be out of shape or to not keep yourselves up. My point is that sometimes we have to revisit that spiritual beauty. The beauty that doesn’t come with eye lashes, body shapers, makeup, and P90x or Insanity. Sometimes we need to let our mates know that the beauty we fell in love with is that spiritual beauty that comes from inside. Physical beauty fades, but the beauty of the bond you build together will stand the test of time!

Challenge: At least once a month implement no make up weekends! Just you, your mate and all of your natural beauty.

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